During our 2024 Annual Meeting we celebrated 30 years of CBF work and witness in the Mid-Atlantic. For 30 years we have gathered as a fellowship of Baptists who long to see Baptists and the local church live into the freedoms we value and proclaim. A fellowship of Baptists seeking to be faithful and defending the right of the local church to call and ordain anyone they see fit regardless of race or gender. For 30 years we have come together, shared together, prayed together, struggled together celebrating each congregation's unique calling, respecting each congregation's governance, yet knowing full well we are better together than apart.
Being baptist in the Mid-Atlantic is unique and different from being Baptist in other parts of the CBF world. But being Baptist in the Mid-Atlantic is beautiful and exciting.
In our region Baptists are not the dominant denomination. We are not the biggest churches in town and we are often overlooked. Yet our churches are gifted, creative, resilient and diverse. For 30 years The Mid-Atlantic CBF has gathered our giftedness, our creativity, our resilience and our diversity to do amazing missions and share our strengths with the rest of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
Together MACBF has shared in mission projects in our region and around the world. Our mission projects started with Habitat for Humanity in the 1990’s. We traveled to Tennessee in the early 2000’s to work with Together for Hope. In 2017 we crossed the sea to Uganda to learn about the work CBF Field Personnel were doing at Refuge and Hope. MACBF helped to launch the Horizon Club in 2006, an after-school club for inner city youth at Calvary Baptist Church in DC. We engaged in mission days at National Memorial Baptist in Washington, DC and helped to launch their clothing closet in 2007. Many people traversed the obstacle course at Calvary Hill Baptist Church in Fairfax to learn the struggles of Refugees and to raise money for Refuge and Hope.
For 30 years we have supported Clergy and Chaplains and the amazing work they do. We have hosted clergy retreats and countless clergy lunches. We have supported our Coordinators over the years and allowed them to be pastors to our pastors.
We have pushed forward through exciting moments and tough situations. The Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is resilient just like its churches! We find a way to faithful fellowship, we find a way to be better together.
Thirty years of ministry, 30 years of missions, 30 years of fellowship. Let us celebrate our faithful past as we step with confidence into the bright future we have together!