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An Important Update from The Executive Coordinator

I am excited to announce that beginning October 1, I will be the full-time Executive Coordinator of Mid-Atlantic CBF (MACBF).  It has been my honor to serve as your part-time Executive Coordinator since September of 2020 and I am looking forward to moving into a full-time position to help Mid-Atlantic CBF grow into its potential. I will be concluding my ministry at First Baptist Church of Herndon on July 28.  In August and September, I will continue to work part time for MACBF and use the time to vision, plan and transition into this new expanded role. Beginning October 1, I will be available for pulpit supply and to visit churches on Sunday mornings.  I look forward to visiting your church soon.

This full-time position is made possible through our partnership with CBF Global. I will be employed through CBF Global and have access to their employee benefits. However, I will still work at the pleasure of the Mid-Atlantic Coordinating Council.  I will continue to be part of the CBF Outreach and Growth Team which I have been a member of since 2022. This is a collaborative effort by both groups to enhance CBF’s presence in the Mid-Atlantic region.

For nearly 12 years I have been a part of the MACBF family. I have enjoyed annual meetings, pastor lunches, meaningful immersion trips and incredible pilgrimages.  I have grown to know this region and its people as I have served on the Coordinating Council, led as moderator and served as the part-time Executive Coordinator. Being a part of MACBF has been one of the richest and rewarding experiences of my ministry. I am thrilled with the opportunity to work full time for MACBF and look forward to exciting days ahead and all the wonderful ministry we can do together.  

Thank you for allowing me to serve with you!

Sean Roberds,

Executive Coordinator

Mid-Atlantic Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

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