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A New Year Note

In my mind the new year always feels brighter with a glow of hope.  Perhaps it’s because we have just passed through the darkest part of the year and survived. More than survived, in the darkest of our days we have paused, and celebrated the light of the world who comes to us as an innocent child.  Whatever the new year brings, the light of the world is here and shines forth.

During this time, I hold tight to the words proclaimed in John’s prologue, “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.” (John 1:5) There is darkness all around us, we know it, we can feel it and it even worries us a bit, but it cannot overcome us. In the midst of darkness God speaks, light breaks forth and it is good, God says.

I don’t know what the new year will bring, where it may lead or what might happen.  It can scare me if I think about it too much. I do know, however, that God is still speaking, the light is still shining, and the darkness still can’t do anything about it.  Maybe we can’t control most of what will happen this year, but we can bear the light and let the truth shine forth to do its good work.  Have you ever been in a dark room when someone lights a candle? The solitary flame glowing in a dark room brings all the attention to itself. We are captured by its persistence; it’s all we see, and we forget the darkness around us. Or think about a campfire. The flames of the sparkling fire dance in the darkness, we are mesmerized by its movement, lost in its light because in its glow we are safe and warm.  I think the same holds true with the light of Christ that shines in the darkness. It can behold us as we gaze at it.

What are we supposed to do as church leaders in this new year?  2025 is here with all its uncertainty and expectations. How do we lead through it? How do we guide our people? I think we lead with the light! We let it shine, and we remember. We remember the light shines and we remember that the darkness can do nothing about it.  We remember the call of Jesus to be the light of the world, and we remember that Jesus urges us to let the light shine before others so they can see the good and give glory to God! Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine as the old song says. We can let it shine by loving our neighbor and our enemies too.  We can let it shine by not being afraid no matter what comes. We can let it shine by being bold in our preaching and patient with those slow to hear. We can let it shine by speaking the truth when it hurts and forgiving when it’s not easy.  Most of all we can let the light shine by not covering it or trying to slow it down. Just let it shine; the light knows what to do so let it shine!  It’s a new year! Don’t be afraid! Let the light do the work.


Happy New Year!

Sean Roberds

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